
之前 the vehicle is brought to the campus!

The 请求 application (see 如何申请许可证)在春季学期结束后的下一学年被激活, 和 it remains active for the entire academic year. 我们敦促学生 请求 or 储备 尽早发放许可证,因为发放的许可证数量有限. The earliest date is sometime in May, 和 the 住房 & 当申请开始运行时,停车办公室会通过电子邮件通知所有学生. 二年级学生如果没有达到限制许可证所需的单位数量,请等待,直到他们最近的单位被记录办公室公布.

On the first Tuesday of that academic semester. This gives off campus students all of Monday to pick up 和 affix their decal! 校园居民应在周末报到时领取许可证并粘贴贴纸. 

Vehicles parked or operated on campus, or in the vicinity of the campus, must have a valid temporary permit or semester decal displayed at ALL times. 我们需要电流, 学生在校园内停放或操作的车辆须出示有效的停车许可证, but our concerns go beyond the campus boundary. 在校园附近停车或驾驶车辆的学生也会受到传票, if they violate Westmont's vehicle regulations. We have special concerns about vehicle use in this community, 我们希望学生们有良好的判断力,认真对待交通法规.

获得许可的学生将在官方登记周末期间在宿舍领取停车贴. 校外学生和错过从宿舍领取贴花窗口的学生必须到住宿办公室(212 Kerrwood hall)领取.

Decals which are not picked up remain on file as 储备d permits, 学生在学期第10周后未使用的许可证将不予退还.


限制许可证的数量取决于两个因素:校园内预计的停车位, 以及韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网的道路使用是否可以处理该地区更多的车辆. We typically grant 50 请求s by sophomores, 和 sometimes more. 我们可能会在学期开始后的几周内提供少量额外的限制性许可证, but that cannot be determined in advance.


检查 停车页面 在您的学生门户网站上提交许可请求,一旦您有一个活跃的韦斯特蒙电子邮件地址.

资格 is primarily based upon academic criteria, 你的资格可能会受到尚未被记录办公室记录的课程的影响. If you run into issues, contact the 住房 & 停车的办公室 (housing@westmont.Edu)寻求协助!

  • 如果你在你的 第二年 但在你的韦斯特蒙特记录上没有必要的单位数量,没有资格获得限制性许可证.e. 26-58个单位),你应根据其他标准向房屋署署长询问是否符合资格.e. semesters attended full-time in college your high school graduation year).
  • 如果你在你的 第三年 但在你的韦斯特蒙特记录上没有必要的单位数量,没有资格获得常规许可证(如.e. >58 units for a Fall permit; >72 units for a Spring permit), 你应根据其他标准向房屋署署长询问是否符合资格.e. 高中毕业后参加全日制大学学习的学期).

是的. A specific GLC decal is required to park in the two GLC lots. 有限数量的GLC贴纸提供给GLC居民,但不是每个GLC居民. If you are a GLC resident 和 you do not have a GLC decal, you may not park in either GLC parking lot (i.e. 在VK和阿明顿附近).

The cost for a permit is posted to the student's account. No payment is required at time of 请求, or at time of decal pick-up.

学期许可证必须以书面形式通过电子邮件通知房屋署署长取消 & 停车. Here is how refunds are determined:

  • 全额退款只适用于在学期开始前取消许可证的情况.

  • 部分退款是基于保留或签发的许可证被取消的那一周. Partial refunds are pro-rated for the first 10 weeks of the semester (i.e. 10%成本/周 whether actually issued or held on 储备). No refunds 后 the tenth week. A full-semester permit is any valid permit for 10 or more weeks. If a student qualifies for a permit 后 the semester begins, 他们是根据学期剩余的周数来收费的:如果至少是10周, 已付全额帐单.

Motorcycles 和 scooters need to have a valid permit to be parked on campus. They must also have current registration with the DMV. These permits are billed at 1/2 the cost of regular permits. Students are not allowed to have both a vehicle a motorcycle/scooter on campus.

Please be sure to 请求 your permit by the communicated deadline. 停车 motorcycles or scooters in bike racks is prohibited.

Unpermitted motorcycles/mopeds/scooters are subject to citations, 罚款, having a "boot" placed on the tire, 和 loss of future parking privileges. 请联络房屋署 & 停车 with any questions!


回答: Due to our Conditional Use Permit (CUP) with Santa Barbara County, 我们有一些限制,允许我们在蒙特西托居民区作为一所大学运作. 不给一年级学生停车许可证是这些CUP限制之一, except for verified disability approved via the Office of Disability Services. 如果与ODS合作,请注意停车许可证申请截止日期,并且仍然适用. There is a limited supply of permits allowed each semester; even if a student qualifies due to a disability, a permit must be available or the 请求 will be denied.

C.U.P. 规定一年级学生只有残疾人才有资格获得停车许可证, 或者他/她已经被宿舍批准住在校外,并且从家里上下班. 房地产 & 停车的办公室 is not qualified to make medical evaluations, 因此,残疾必须由校园健康中心或残疾服务办公室的校园医生确定和验证. 有交通需求的学生可以联系校园健康中心(在学年期间为x6164)询问是否有资格获得医疗许可, 或通过校园健康中心提供的其他交通选择. 一年级新生被允许以校外通勤者的身份居住是非常罕见的, but if this is approved by the 住房 & 这样的第一年就有资格从住房处获得停车许可证 & 停车的办公室.

如果车辆将由校园或蒙特西托地区的一年级学生操作, it would be a violation by that first-year student.

No. This would be a direct violation of our C.U.P. with the county of Santa Barbara.

假期 & 休息时间

是的, except during Christmas holiday 和 Spring recess. 在圣诞假期和春假期间,学生可以不经许可在校园内停车.

No parking permit is required during Mayterm or the summer period.

Students who wish to leave a vehicle on campus for any portion or all of the summer period should contact William Boyd, Chief of Campus Safety, for information. 停车场在夏季的维修计划要到4月份才能知道. 未经威廉·博伊德(wboyd@westmont)事先安排,车辆不得停放在校园内.edu).


If you are an upper class student 谁在开学第一周开车到学校,但不能或计划获得学期许可证, you should obtain a short-term temporary permit from the 住房 & 停车的办公室 in Kerrwood Hall until you can remove the vehicle.

If you are a first-year student, you are prohibited from getting any type of permit. If you bring a vehicle, it must be removed from campus 之前 学期开始. The vehicle may not be parked in the vicinity of the campus, as this is a violation of our agreement with Santa Barbara County.

是的. Permits are not required the last week of residence each semester (i.e. from the last day of classes in the semester until the residence halls close). Any student may bring a vehicle to campus at the end of the semester (i.e. finals week) for the purpose of transporting 首页.